20 results found
Client Portal Document Store - Completed Cases
Whenever an adviser uploads documents to the Document Store for a completed case, the client is unable to see that document. This also means the client cannot refer back to old documents that would be uploaded. Clients need to see documents even on completed cases.
20 votes -
4 votes
Please add British Overseas National as an option in the Nationality question.
4 votes -
Some clients cant find Documents
Is it possible to highlight CURRENT applications so that when clients are looking for documents I have uploaded, they go to the right folder
7 votes -
Company Acknowledgements to be auto stored in Document Store when accepted by client
When accepting a Company Acknowledgement in the Client portal the client can download this prior to accepting but then has no visibility of this afterwards. This causes issues if they do not download and want to see what they accepted after this time.
Recommend that when accepting a Company acknowledgment e.g. Data Privacy Notice that this is auto saved in the Document Store11 votes -
Short how to guides for non tech savvy clients
Can we please have updated how to guides to send to clients - I have just checked how the client logs in and it was last updated two years ago with a process that is not correct. This way we can send a short how to and clients will struggle less
4 votes -
2 votes -
client to enter their own solicitor details
client to enter their own solicitor details
5 votes -
Include Ability to Make Fact Find Fields Mandatory
It would be more helpful if we had mandatory fields on the client portal. This way we can make sure the client has to fill in the employment, section, as a lot of clients miss this area and we must have it filled in,
4 votes -
Homebuyer app and Client Portal should be One
''makes a lot more sense to have it all in one place, rather than have two separate platforms with the Homebuyer app and then have to use a Client portal to actually log into their account. This should be a joint platform.''
3 votes -
Buildings and Contents Insurance
On the client portal, under Documents there is a drop down menu. The option for Home insurance shows the policy number - which does not mean anything to anyone!!! Please replace the policy number with 'Home Insurance'
1 vote -
Valuation Access Details for Remortgages
When doing a remortgage case, lenders will send out a valuer to do a survey, and we need the details of the person the lender must contact to undertake the valuation but there is nowhere this can be input on the mortgages section via the portal, or us as advisers to input into the system.
2 votes -
Prevent Case Progressing if Applicants Haven't Agreed to Company Acknowledgements
Should be able to prevent case processing if all case applicants haven't agreed to Company Acknowledgements.
This will sometimes be done without the client portal, so should be dependent on a switch similar to the example, but relating to initial document exchange.1 vote -
Lead form on a broker website
Requesting a plug in that can feature on a broker's website that can record a lead's data and place it into Smartr.
Something to collect the name, email address, contact number and what type of mortgage/protection they would be looking for.26 votes -
Client portal /portfolio of properties
Currently on the portfolio of mortgages , it shows all the details or the mortgage but not the actual remortgage date. This would be really beneficial as then with one glance the landlord portfolio would be able to see which is up next for Remo rather than relying on the 'Time to Remo' email.
20 votes -
Improve customer journey
Two factor via text is not approriate everywhere in UK due to iffy mobile coverage and 2FA is too much on every occassion. An ID/Password plus memorable word would be a better experience.
The Client portal has a QR code twice the size of Broker logo and is not the priority - the priority is the client being able to complete factfind. If the client scans the QR to download the app they then have to log in again. If they then click complete factfind in the app it takes them to a webpage which they then have to log…
17 votes -
Remove ID and Address Verifcation Mandatory
For those brokers that are an AR of a network, we cannot use your ID and Address verification system. Therefore, it would be good if we could remove it, so that it does not appear for the customer as it causes confusion and is unnecessary.
15 votes -
Remove need to add an email address for second client
When a new lead comes in, you won't get the emails of both clients. I understand it's needed for a portal log in but most applicants share one log in and complete the FF together.
Currently we have to add a fake email to add the second client and then the fact find won't let them update it themselves.
27 votes -
Client portal notifications
Clients to be notified e.g documents
44 votes -
Give clients the ability to add a second applicant themselfs on the client portal
Give clients the ability to add a second applicant themselfs on the client portal
60 votes
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