4 results found
Vulnerable Customer questions in Additional Fields (Sesame)
There are currently 23 questions in Additional Fields but a large number only need to be completed if relevant. Make this section reflexive and display only the 5 main questions and the remainder if relevant to the answers provided in the main questions
8 votes -
Add a field for property EPC Rating to the Fact Find
Add a field for property EPC Rating so that the information is held in the system and allows for easier sourcing of green products as the information will be held within the CRM
56 votes -
Remove the Council tax from being annual amount to monthly like all other areas in the expenditure section, this is confusing
Just make all expenditure tabs monthly
68 votesIn testing.
Product Transfer as Buyer Type
not additional product type
split of remortgage data to include seperate date for PT's only
Another product transfer to do today and depsite my best efforts in telling you all I'm doing is building up a massive list of what appears to be Remortgages where I cant tell what was done and when except for the case number! When that client calls me in 5 yrs I'm gonna be picking through a list with no clear idea of when to find the last PT!
Also for a PT or Remo you can't put in the current payment , balance and…
55 votes
- Don't see your idea?