19 results found
Is the client vulnerable?
Why does the pop for comments appear if we click no?
5 votes -
Add option for Unencumbered properties
Can we have an option for unenecumbered properties. At the moment, I have to add £1 into the 'existing balance' section if I am creating a case for a new mortgage.
33 votes -
property details
Can we please have additional property details like garage space, parking space, epc rating, if ex local property, if property has deck access, if property is above or near commercial premises.
29 votes -
Need to show "Equity Release" as a drop down option under "Additional Product Type"
Need to show "Equity Release" as a drop down option under "Additional Product Type"
12 votes -
Amend policy numbers/ mortgage account numbers after marked completed
Can we have the facility to amend a policy or mortgage account number after a case had been marked as completed. Currently it has to be done by the developers.
25 votes -
Removal of the questions relating to procuration fee on client Factfind
Removal of the questions relating to Procuration fee on client Factfind as this is confusing and not relevant to clients
23 votes -
Product Transfer as Buyer Type
not additional product type
split of remortgage data to include seperate date for PT's only
Another product transfer to do today and depsite my best efforts in telling you all I'm doing is building up a massive list of what appears to be Remortgages where I cant tell what was done and when except for the case number! When that client calls me in 5 yrs I'm gonna be picking through a list with no clear idea of when to find the last PT!
Also for a PT or Remo you can't put in the current payment , balance and…
55 votes -
BTL FactFind
the majority of it. it really goes to town on resi-centric questions - pensions, investments, mortgage preferences - none of which is applicable and people lose patience with it. we need a quick, concise 10 min BTL friendly fact-find. it should ask for limited co or personal name/director, shareholders, applicants, address history, employment history, resident status, portfolio details. thats about it. 10 mins max. obviously keeping the docs section too. should be a series of questions rather than form filling.
23 votes -
Multiple products on a mortgage
We need the ability to have multiple products on a mortgage. 3 separate parts to the mortgage, I am going to Port and Raise.
I think that on the existing mortgage account, and for the new mortgage we should be given the option to add additional mortgage parts; this means that we could then track the different product expiry dates after and during porting applications.
We need to be able to add more than one mortgage to a single property address.
For current/new mortgages which have multi parts with different rates and expiry dates - would like the ability to…
94 votes -
29 votes
Add self build to purchase type in fact find
Add property type self build to fact find
22 votes -
Please amend form Remortgage to correct type of case as a Product Transfer
Product transfers show as remortgage when searching for old cases
13 votes -
26 votes -
Add Feudal as a Tenure option for properties in Scotland
feudal is a tenure option in Scotland
12 votes -
Valuation Fee to be added to FF
Valuation Fee
11 votes -
Put an LTV calculator in the mortgage factfind
LTV calculator in the Mortgage factfind
28 votes -
Show solicitor practice address details
After adding practice to new mortgages the address is no longer available to see - maybe having the details similar to selling agent.
When you key an application with lenders which are not connected to smart 365 you can not see the solicitor details when you download the factfind, even though you filled them in.
18 votes -
Mortgage Fees being added to the loan
Adding fees to the loan
14 votes -
Inmprove the product transfer workflow
Remove the confusion that can happen when there's an existing mortgage, or BTL , mortgage that needs a product transfer - looks like you need to add exisitng mortgage and then new mortgage - the purchase type is mis matched.
12 votes
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