Product Transfer as Buyer Type
not additional product type
split of remortgage data to include seperate date for PT's only
Another product transfer to do today and depsite my best efforts in telling you all I'm doing is building up a massive list of what appears to be Remortgages where I cant tell what was done and when except for the case number! When that client calls me in 5 yrs I'm gonna be picking through a list with no clear idea of when to find the last PT!
Also for a PT or Remo you can't put in the current payment , balance and interest rate to compare with a new rate...
This needs sorted like NOW - I'm starting to build a list of remortgage cases part of which are actually PTs - getting increasingly difficult and confusing to work out which is which on the summary. And my product spread reporting is out the window as it looks as if I'm doing all remortgages.
Why you have to select remortgage before PT is bizarre.

Andy Jenkins commented
This need urgent attention! It's a farce that despite the comments and this being raised years ago, it's not been prioritised. Why bother making small tweaks to the FF, when glaring errors like this exist?
Richard Williams commented
split of remortgage data to include seperate date for PT's only
The Mortgage & Insurance Shop commented
Another product transfer to do today and depsite my best efforts in telling you all I'm doing is building up a massive list of what appears to be Remortgages where I cant tell what was done and when except for the case number! When that client calls me in 5 yrs I'm gonna be picking through a list with no clear idea of when to find the last PT!
Also for a PT or Remo you can't put in the current payment , balance and interest rate to compare with a new rate...
The Mortgage & Insurance Shop commented
And now the top idea is a BUDGET PLANNER?? WAT
The Mortgage & Insurance Shop commented
This needs sorted like NOW - I'm starting to build a list of remortgage cases part of which are actually PTs - getting increasingly difficult and confusing to work out which is which on the summary. And my product spread reporting is out the window as it looks as if I'm doing all remortgages.
Bev Shaw commented
This is an obvious one surely and can't be very time consuming or costly? Why you have to select remortgage before PT is bizarre.
The Mortgage & Insurance Shop commented
Product transfer
The Mortgage & Insurance Shop commented
Why on earth is this not being acted on?? Such a basic and obvious workflow issue