property details
Can we please have additional property details like garage space, parking space, epc rating, if ex local property, if property has deck access, if property is above or near commercial premises.

Shaun Pryor commented
And under 'Contsruction type', please could you add 'Stone' as the whole of Bath, Yorkshire and Derbyshire is constructed of stone.
Shaun Pryor commented
When completing mortgage applications, particularly for flats, I have noted that the Smartr Fact Find does not capture all the information requested by lenders for flats. For example, for a block of flats, lenders will often ask how many units are in the block and they also ask what floor the property is on, Also, for newer flats, lenders will request details of the builder’s certificate/guarantee/warranty (e.g., NHBC) etc. and as far as I can see, this information is not captured in Smartr.
The consequence of this, is that we then have to go back to the client to request this information mid-way through completing a mortgage application, which at times can mean we have to postpone submission until the following day when we receive the information from the client. This creates a risk that the client may miss out on a product if it is withdrawn before we receive the information from the client.
Also, type of heating in the property is another common question, i.e., is it gas central heating, oil, no heating system, etc.