36 results found
Mortgage direct debit bank details - should be a compulsory component to the fact find.
Mortgage direct debit bank details - should be a compulsory component to the fact find.
10 votes -
Occupiers over 17 – there is no section for this information.
Occupiers over 17 – there is no section for this information.
13 votes -
Address history for last 3 years - should be a compulsory component to the fact find.
Address history for last 3 years - should be a compulsory component to the fact find.
12 votes -
Date of birth and age of dependants
Can we please add the full date of birth and the age of the dependants to the dependants screen? We can see how long they will be dependants but not their age.
9 votes -
Ability to lock protection fact find to clients post application
We need to ensure the Protection Fact Find is not able to be edited by the client(s) post insurance product application. Currently they are able to amend their information which is leading to potential compliance issues.
9 votes -
Credit Commitments Lender Name
Enable freetyping of the company name linked to the commitment. It is very common for the name not be an existing Lender or Provider and it not efficient to scroll down to Other and Free type from there. It is also not evident that Other is an option and allows freetyping so may lead to incorrect names being recorded
8 votes -
Add option for Unencumbered properties
Can we have an option for unenecumbered properties. At the moment, I have to add £1 into the 'existing balance' section if I am creating a case for a new mortgage.
33 votes -
Fact find - Gender
we can offer people a different box other than male or female. Ideally we need it to give them the choice and just have a box with previous name to signal if there has been a gender change? Ive got a meeting with compliance in a few weeks and it will come up again no doubt
5 votes -
Automatically move Employment details From Existing to History on Employment change
Add a "Current Employment" and "Yes/ No" tick box and an "End Date" in the current employment section so that when a client changes employment the previous details are automatically moved to the previous Employment section.
This means that we can save time by not having to add the details to employment history and then delete from Current history and will also avoid potential to lose the data if this is done the wrong way round.
39 votes -
property details
Can we please have additional property details like garage space, parking space, epc rating, if ex local property, if property has deck access, if property is above or near commercial premises.
29 votes -
Fact Find - send a copy of fact find to Document store upon Completed
Could we have a copy of the fact find download into the Document store so a record of the case prior to a new case being made can be stored. Can the naming convention include the date as well?
This would help with regards to compliance when they are reviewing completed cases as they go through advisor records
22 votes -
Show more information on Employment page
While I have your attention 😊
Can the employment information automatically show up, rather than having to click the icon to amend it.
Again, when completing a application it would make things easier to get the information.28 votes -
Highlight mandatory fields with an * while completing / reviewing the Factfind.
Highlight mandatory fields with a * while completing / reviewing the Factfind. Allows for the quicker identification of missing information by a client or adviser.
22 votes -
Existing Properties Limited Company
When selecting is this property owned by a limited company and the answer is yes it should ask for the company name so it is easily distinguished if the client has multiple existing properties.
20 votes -
Need to show "Equity Release" as a drop down option under "Additional Product Type"
Need to show "Equity Release" as a drop down option under "Additional Product Type"
12 votes -
Amend policy numbers/ mortgage account numbers after marked completed
Can we have the facility to amend a policy or mortgage account number after a case had been marked as completed. Currently it has to be done by the developers.
25 votes -
Removal of the questions relating to procuration fee on client Factfind
Removal of the questions relating to Procuration fee on client Factfind as this is confusing and not relevant to clients
23 votes -
BTL FactFind
the majority of it. it really goes to town on resi-centric questions - pensions, investments, mortgage preferences - none of which is applicable and people lose patience with it. we need a quick, concise 10 min BTL friendly fact-find. it should ask for limited co or personal name/director, shareholders, applicants, address history, employment history, resident status, portfolio details. thats about it. 10 mins max. obviously keeping the docs section too. should be a series of questions rather than form filling.
23 votes -
Ability to Split Client/Broker Fees
sometimes there is no proc fee and advisers want to to split the broker fee also
23 votes -
Option Are you on electoral roll?
Add option to select if on Electoral Roll or not at current address in fact find
27 votes
- Don't see your idea?