Ask specific Commitment Questions (Credit Card, Loan etc) & tickbox for no credit outstanding
On the commitments section, so customers don't miss it, could questions be asked such as, do you have a credit card? do you have a loan? do you have care finance? If they answer yes, then the section becomes mandatory to add details?
Having a tick box for our Credit Commitments that says the client has no outstanding credit , rather than empty. As the advisors have to check they haven't forgot to fill in , where if they had a tick box saying I ahve non they don't need to ask and helps with knowing the client has told you the correct info.

Larissa Tait commented
Having a tick box for our Credit Commitments that says the client has no outstanding credit , rather than empty. As the advisors have to check they haven't forgot to fill in , where if they had a tick box saying I ahve non they don't need to ask and helps with knowing the client has told you the correct info.
Levi Ackerman commented
I just wanted to ask whether a 'to be repaid yes/no' column could potentially be added on to the 'Credit Commitments' section so you can instantly see from looking which debts are to be repaid, rather than having to click in to each individual debt to confirm?
Kyle Johnson commented
Credit commitments summary should show whether the debt is a credit card/loan/hp etc.
Mossy Sowlat commented
When customers complete the Fact Find, but they don't have any Commitments, (also when they don't have any dependents), it would be great if there was a tickbox for them to confirm they don't have any. Otherwise you cannot tell whether they just forgot to complete this part.
Richard Harris commented
Add a button to the top of the credit history section allowing us to answer all questions 'No' rather than individually.
Alex Smith commented
On the credit history section a short cut button to select 'no to all' would be helpful.