Credit Commitments Lender Name
Enable freetyping of the company name linked to the commitment. It is very common for the name not be an existing Lender or Provider and it not efficient to scroll down to Other and Free type from there. It is also not evident that Other is an option and allows freetyping so may lead to incorrect names being recorded

Simon Craven commented
It would be ideal if the name of the other provider is visible in the list of commitments to save having to open each commitment to see who the provider is.
AdminTest B2B Adviser (Admin, smartr365) commented
Hi Malcolm, thanks for raising this. I understand you make changes to the Mortgages list, would the Lender list be the same for credit commitments? This would be an easier change to update both at the same time and would be less likely lead to manual error and lender names not matching the back-end.