158 results found
Document order
Under documents. Please can you make is under section section so that we can put the documents in alphabetical order
5 votes -
Customisable fields- Add Offer Issue date as a mandatory field on the customisable workflow
I want to add ‘Offer Issue Date’ as a mandatory field using Create Your Workflow. It doesn’t current appear under ‘Select Fields’ though as below.
2 votes -
equity release
Currently there is no way to mark a mortgage as equity release and therefore will not need to be remortgaged or transferred in future.
2 votes -
Notify us when documents are uploaded
Automatic notifications when clients upload documents - better to be notified every time rather then when a client chooses to
3 votes -
ONS data
As most lenders now use ONS figures to pre-populate their application process would it not be a great move to pre-populate the expenditure tab. Other platforms have integrated this and it would really tally in from a compliance point of view
3 votes -
Can you design this better so there are less clicks and scrolling up and down to find and input information for a better user experience.
It was also make it a lot easier to find information.
My actual wrist is aching from continuous clicking and scrolling!!1 vote -
Include Introducer Details in Data Import
I would like to request a system enhancement which allows us to import data with a field for introducer.
2 votes -
'next' button to increase date entry flow.
It would be helpful to have a 'next' button for the fact find etc. This would mean that the data entry flows and sections are less likey to be missed in error.
1 vote -
Personation of workflow
To be able to pick which columns are used and visible on the workflow and even 'nickname' them.
1 vote -
Add solicitor's address in "Solicitor & Agent Information" section of Smartr!
Display solicitor's address in the mortgage - Solicitor & Agent Information section of Smartr! Very inconvenient that we can only see the full address of the solicitor when going into settings. Please action this asap.
2 votes -
CREATE TOGGLE BUTTON so document order can read as you intended when uploading
I really detest my documents appearing in a non consequential running order
For example I have added bank statements that I filed Feb, March April but now the order of sequence reads Feb, April, March
A toggle button would allow us to correct if we so chose which would always be my preference
1 vote -
Protection - Smoker categories
In the protection section where it asks for smoker or non smoker, I would like to see more detailed questions, like - non smoker never smoked, non smoker date quit. This would be useful when approaching protection companies.
1 vote -
Affordabilty Assessment within Smartr - Mortgage Broker Tools
Build in an Affordabilty Assessment into Smartr so I can complete the fact find and at the end of it will be instantly able to provide the client with how much lenders will lend them based off there circumstances. I personally use Mortgage Broker Tools as I find it the most comprehensive and accurate therefore end up dual keying the information which I would like to avoid
3 votes -
Search Facility to see Fact Finds Sent
a search facility linked to things that we will always do e.g. “fact find requested”.
If I could search through my client for those who I have requested to complete a fact find, it would be very helpful, and allow me to chase my hottest potential clients.
Then, when they submit the fact find, you could also have it so you could search for “completed fact finds”Mainly for me it would be lovely to be able to pull up all of my clients who I have requested to fill in a fact find. I do this action with all…
1 vote -
SRT Tokens for new builder
SRT builder should include 'tokens' for Age, Occupation and Salary.
1 vote -
Self Employed income to put through to Sourcing tools
Self Employed income to put through to Sourcing tools, as of right now I have to rekey into 27 Tec , even when put into Smartr365 Fact find
2 votes -
PS - Advice details: Impersonation check details completed - character limit must be longer
PS - Advice details: Impersonation check details completed *
This section is a problem.
I just used the words ‘existing clients’ and this is ok – but anything further. No go.
1 vote -
Drop down menu
Would it be possible for the B&C insurance drop down to show which property the file belongs to?
I have a landlord with multiple properties that I have arranged policies for & it would be much easier if I could identify each from the drop down.
I would say I expect the same for any protection written would be useful.1 vote -
Add 'No Contact' to reasons for not proceeding
for not proceeding case, it would be useful to have 'NO CONTACT' within the drop down box for 'select a reason'. I have to close leads down where i can no longer get hold of a client and the other options do not really cover this point.
2 votes -
Search via lender ref, mortgage a/c no and address
I think it would be a good idea to be able to case search via lender ref, mortgage a/c no and address. We get updates from lenders and solicitors in various different ways including this and it would help find the case quicker and more efficiently.
When looking for cases when the commission has not been able to be released it would be much easier to search for the correct case to match it with this way too.
Thanks :)
12 votes
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