Multiple FactFind Applicants
Just a quick request, would it be possible to update Smartr in the next release so that we can add more than two people on the fact find.
With affordability being a big issue, now more and more mortgages have three of four applicants now. Currently I must add the third and fourth applicant’s details in the notes section.

AdminTest B2B Adviser (Admin, smartr365) commented
FortAB would like to beta testers for this feature
Dipal Jhala commented
It would be great to have fact find option with 4 applicants, majority lenders are using 4 applicants for BTL and some Resi as well.
Ian Lombardo commented
unbelievable this is not the case already..
Frankie Cole commented
Can we also just add one applicant and the system have the ability for the client to add additional applicants to the case themselves?
Steve Verrell commented
We have a number of cases where this is incredibly important. Having multiple cases for one application impacts our reporting and is a waste of time when having to repeat data entry. Needed for JBSP cases and Ltd Co applications with more than 2 shareholders.
Steve Verrell commented
Needed ASAP as having multiple cases for one application impacts our reporting and is a waste of our time when having to repeat data entry.
Dawn Rickwood commented
Needed urgently
Richi Will commented
Yes please - asap!!!
Dawn Rickwood commented
We have a number Limited Company purchases with more than 2 shareholders so this is required urgently.
The Mortgage & Insurance Shop commented
An irrelevance to the vast majority of cases. A tiny number of applications have more than 2 apps.
Marc Ulett commented
Is it possible to amend the system to allow more than 2 clients for applications. Lenders will allow up to 4 applicants on an application, so the system should be able to reflect that. This is also the case for Ltd Company Applications where there can be multiple directors (over 4). I have a case now that requires 4 applicants to be on the application and deeds and I don't know how I'm supposed to put all their details on the system without setting up 2 separate joint applications which means the system will not reflect the correct income needed for affordability when sourcing.
Marc Ulett commented
The system should have functionality to allow more than 2 applicants on an application. I have a case which is joint borrower single proprietor that will have 4 people on the application, 2 of which who will be parents who are not proprietors. Also lots of lenders allow up to 4 people on the mortgage application. How are we supposed to put these cases on the system?
Larissa Tait commented
Being able to add in three applicants to a mortgage.
Suntok Sandhu commented
Urgently need to be able to have up to 4 applicants per mortgage at the moment this is just two!!!
David Eggison commented
this is vital where clients are buying in a ltd company as you cannot reflect the true situation on the case and the work around is too complicated and means inputting false data into the system (i.e. creates additional cases which cant be linked)
Ben Shulkind commented
Being able to add upto 4 applicants on 1 application/tile n Kanban
Ashley Marsh commented
Please facilitate this as I do feel it is very important
Phil Leivesley commented
It would be great if this could be looked at. There are a number of lenders now allowing up to four applicants on an application, and some allow all four incomes to be taken into account too.
Craig Fish commented
The system needs the ability to be able to add up to 4 applicants to a mortgage. This is an ever more common occurrence nowadays.
Dave Brown commented
I echo this. 3/4 applicants are increaslingly common. Ltd Company BTL applications should have the ability to add both the company details and multiple directors.